Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Act of Revenge

Seven years ago she hurt me. Her dumping me after our three and a half years relationship caused me emotional traumas. How could a person, after making countless promises, whispering millions of sweet-nothings, do such a thing? My whole existence became dreary drags that I had to suffer through. My self-esteem was deflated, dwindling to near nothing. All my dreams were shattered. My life was ruined.
After our final telephone conversation, I suffered the pain of separation in silence. Pieces of the telephone set strewn all over the floor, after I threw it against the wall in my initial rage of the news, were witness to my loss. They saw me crumpled like a piece of soiled serviette. No tears came. I was too shocked to cry. I sat on the floor; my back against the wall, staring into the nothingness which my life would be without her.
I pent the pain inside me for a long time. I tried my best to hide the fact from my family and friends. Being good people they were, most of them noticed that something had gone wrong for me. Perhaps my brooding, my senseless shying away from them, and the broken telephone set gave me away. A few of them approached to coax the reason out of me. However, I am a man with many excuses; I blamed the unfavourable weather, the poor performance of the stock market, and even my poor, innocent students at my school. I made a lot of things, a lot of people scapegoats to avoid detection. Eventually, the questioning ceased. Those good people around me, very likely suspected a worse cause as the reason for my evident transformation, understood that I wished to be left alone. Still, I suffered in silence.
After a three and a half year relationship, a lot of her stuffs were in my keeping; mementos from places we visited, photographs snapped at those locations, books we loved to read together, a jacket and clothing items left behind from her long gone visits, and of course those intimate letters from her. Perhaps out of my attempt to breathe life into the dead ember of our union I kept those things where they were; on the window sill, draped over the lazy chair, scattered on my study desk, in the cupboard, and under my pillow. Perhaps she would return to me and finding those items as when they were left would help us proceed as if the break-up never happened.
I contemplated going over to her place and having things out with her. It never took place. The distance was too great. She was living three states away and with her parents. In my need to assuage my pain, I thought of sending goons over to bang her around a bit, break her leg, hang her. They never occurred. I am a law-abiding citizen and whatever was the reason she did what she did, it wasn’t excuse enough to maim her.
I needed a way to vent all that was bottled-up inside. There were people around me who cared about me and needed my reciprocating the attention. I had pushed them aside while mulling over my loss. I made up my mind. I would have my revenge and do away with her forever. My revenge would take the form of removing all evidence of her existence. Erasing her from my memory would be justice enough for her evil deed. Wiping her off the plane of reality would serve me a new lease of life. I loved her too much to be physically abusive.
Eight months after the fact, I put aside all her things. I arranged the photographs in an album, wrapped the dolls and small trinkets with tissue papers, washed, dried and neatly folded her jackets and dresses, wiped dust off the book covers and read and re-read her letter. I put all her things inside a cardboard carton.
I brought the box to my backyard. As I poured a liter of diesel liberally over and inside it, images of what could have been between the two of us swirled in my mind eyes. Striking a match reminded me of the candles on her birthday cake we celebrated together at this very spot and countless other intimate moments we shared. Touching the flame to the diesel soaked box of memories, I said a silent prayer, wishing safe journeys for us, former companions, on our now separate paths of life.
Note: Another sappy stuff from my university days. A piece of creative writing it is, but fictional it is not! Enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Satu Pemerhatian Dari Sudut Kiri Kafetaria

Aku perhatikan lenggok langkahmu, gemalai, aturan kiri kanan tersusun rapi. Baju kurung, sutera di mataku, dengan lorekan warna kuning, merah jambu dan biru laut terlalu cocok dengan perawakan timurmu. Tiga butiran mutiara berkait, berayun di hujung tabir tudung litup. Ayu.

Orangmu langsing, bertubuh datar, lekuk pinggangmu bagaikan surihan biola. Termanggu aku, longgar lututku, seperti sendi mekanikal yang tercabut skrunya.

Wajah bujur sirih, bibir merekah merah delima, tampak anggun bila ditarik hujung-hujungnya oleh senyuman. Sepasang butiran mata galak, bebolanya hitam pekat, kerdipan bintangpun tidak seseri kilasan jelinganmu. Dua garisan kening lentik bercantum dengan jambatan hidung. Tanda lahir penyeri muka tertitik di pipi.

Dudukmu duduk puteri. Sopan santun ketimuran. Aku perhatikan jemari runcing halusmu menyuap santapan. Perlahan-lahan kau temukan geraham atas dan bawahmu menghancurkan juadah dan aku bayangkan rengkungmu membayang apabila kau menelan.

Padaku kau sempurna.

Aku lihat jua tutur bualmu dengan teman sebelahan. Tata bicara yang aku kurang periksa biji-butirannya. Namun begitu pada tanggapanku, melalui gaya mimik muka bersahaja, juihan bibirmu dan tunduk kepalamu kepada komentar jiran itu, bincanganmu adalah berkisar kepada hal-hal kehatian ataupun mungkin ia sedang bercerita tentang sorotanku ini. Biarkanlah.

Konsentrasiku dibunuh. “Mat, beri api.”

Abang senior minta api rokok. Aku nyalakan sumber inspirasi dan sumber karsinorgennya. Baru aku sedar yang nasi di pingganku telah kedinginan, tangan kananku berkerak dengan sisa-sisa dan ais di dalam gelas Nescafe ‘O’ Beng aku telah habis cair, mentawarkan minuman kegemaranku itu. Detik waktu terhenti dalam aku menelaahmu. Aku geleng kepala.

Dari jarak 17 kaki yang memisahkan kita, aku lihatkau bangun menuju ke sinki mencuci tangan, kembali ke meja menjemput rakan setiamu. Berangkatlah kamu kembali ke istana diiringi dayang-dayang. Lenggok-langkahmu tetap gemalai, tarian kaki kiri-kananmu tetap teratur, wajahmu tetap sempurna.

Aku puji tuhan kerana mencipta makhluk sepertimu, bidadari dunia bagiku, mampu membunuh waktuku untuk memujamu.

Kau tetap sempurna.

This was written when I was in the 1st sem of my Maktab days as an exercise of descriptive writing in BM. Though meant as an exercise, the event was real and the characters were non-fictional.
Most probably a BM teacher would butcher my language to bits. I cringe, too, reading it again after it had lain hidden after all this time. Sappy it may be, but please do enjoy this very rare occassion when I answered the Muse's call in BM.

Monday, August 18, 2008


How to smite two souls,
To bond, to fuse them.
The lovemonger, the nuncio of Cupid,
The betwixter,
Finds his joy corpulent,
In untying their Gordian knots!

In a white dishonesty
Wishful of an honest contingent,
I felt gratified
Besmirching a little more
My fully saturated blotter.


** Dedicated to Putera & Farah – St. Thomas, Kuantan 1992 **

This poem was penned towards the end of my practicum days at Sekolah Rendah St. Thomas, Kuantan.  Here's thinking of my flatmates; Sivakumar, Putera and Tee Meng Eong.  Salad days were they then eh, Mates?  We should get together some time! 

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Weekends are generally not the best of times that you can expect ordinary folks to be on the net. By ordinary I mean people who have decent 5-day a week jobs as opposed to me who, in some folks eyes are on a ’permanent’ vacation. Not that I don’t have work to do. I have tons of it, up to my ears even sometimes. The difference being, I don’t go to an office, working the stipulated hours of 9-5 (to 9 for some folks I know).

I work at my rented house, in the library, or at the faculty’s gazebo. Whichever place suits my mood at the time. Being a full-time student allows me that privilege I suppose. However, having too much independence could be counterproductive as well. I am at liberty to while my time away. Not that I don’t have work to do, I have tons of it. It is just that while I am in the middle of writing something, while I am mulling certain idea, while I am waiting for a certain theory to make sense, while I am trying to make two concepts gel, I gaze too much at the laptop screen. During those times, the mind becomes a wanderer: it could go back in time, it could fly forward, or it could become wishful.

But I digress. Let’s get back to weekends not being the best of times to catch people on the net. Unlike me, who puts equal value on every day of the week (not because I don’t cherish them – unlucky me, I have to work 7 days a week), these other folks consider their Saturdays and Sundays as precious, priceless These are the 2 days when they manage to shake off their shackles and enjoy - freedom. Not the time to sit in front of a mundane monitor, clicking on the mouse buttons, punching senselessly on the keyboard scouring the virtual world. This time is better spent in the real world.

Weekend is the time best spent in either of two ways, or a combination thereof, whichever suits the purpose. Either you spend time being yourself or you spend the time for yourself. Not much difference between the two choices but let me explain. The former choice is like when every weekend you put on your dancing shoes and be Fred Astaire. Or perhaps, a more down to earth example, you stay at home and play mummy or daddy, whichever one is your preference. Get up in the morning and get breakfast ready; the aroma of steaming home prepared nasi lemak wafting throughout the house is almost enough to make the wait for weekend worth it. Watching the kids and hubby / wifey (or your brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, if you are not married, or your cats if you can’t bother entertaining people) go heartily through the repast is a pay-off itself that no corporate manager can outmatch. So you go on through the weekend doing things only available to be done on weekends – go to the zoo, bring the children for a picnic, visit grandma and grandpa, wash the kids’ school shoes. Anything that you do, that you think you do for other people, but are actually doing it because you are being yourself.

The latter choice entails that upon hearing the alarm clock going off, picking it up and smashing it up against the wall (too dramatic!) and going back to bed for a snooze until midday. Forget the rest of the world; this is the day you reserve for yourself – a day of self-indulgence. Go dye your hair, go hang-gliding, loaf and laze around the house, whatever pleases you. Fulfillment that is only available on weekends.

As for the combination of the two; I leave it to your imagination. I could give you a hint though. Turn off the alarm clock, lock the bedroom door and now there is only you and your partner. Should I say more? The kids can wait for breakfast while watching the telly, a little longer wait will make them eat heartier! And the rest of the world just sails on by.

I did tell you that my mind sometimes wanders far off, didn’t I?

So come on back Monday. The two days I am without their chatters and presence are the two longest I’ve ever known. Let these folks here return to their computer terminals at their offices where with a click of a button they can discover the Internet again. Allow them the opportunity to enter the realm of the net. Let them discover me again –I who cannot be myself and cannot do things for myself because I am missing out on weekends. Let me not be alone again in cyber-space.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Love Story


Di kamar ini aku kesepian
Jasadmu tidak bersamaku
Di kamar ini aku kesunyian
Bicaramu tidak menemaniku
Di kamar ini aku kerinduan
Ujudmu terkadang di sisiku.

Di kamar sepi ini kauelus kewujudanku
Di kamar sunyi ini aku bayangkan kau bersamaku
Di kamar rindu ini tuturmu riang di benakku.

Dalam kejauhan ini, kita kekal satu
Dalam kamar hati ini, kau tetap ratu
Dalam cerita cinta ini, cuma engkau dan aku.


... and I miss you so much!
Note : This poem is dedicated to my dearest wife, whom I on many occassions had left behind in my pursuit of self-actualization!